
Aug 24 2024 | By | Reply More

★★★☆☆      Powerful

Saint Stephen’s Theatre (Venue 166): Fri 2 – Sun 25 Aug 2024
Review by Florence Cruickshanks

Sound Events Scotland have risen to the challenge of Jonathan Larson’s Rent commendably, with an exuberant cast totally immersed in its demands.

Rent is loosely based on Puccini’s opera, La Boheme, and set in New York. First performed in 1994, it was the subject of a film in 2005. The plot reflects the concerns of the time, in particular the effects of the Aids crisis on each member of a group of young hippies.

The Cast of Rent outside the St Stephens Theatre. Pic Sound Events Scotland.

With Becca Wickstead directing, and Linzi Devers responsible for musical direction and choreography, SES’s young cast demonstrate a high level of commitment from the start, delivering the musical numbers with demonstrable enthusiasm.

It is however not clear why amplification is thought necessary in the relatively small Ian McKellan Theatre, down in the bowels of St Stephen’s. Indeed, the slight distortion of the mikes reduces the clarity of the spoken dialogue.

strong performances

There are strong performances from all, with Lewis Carlyon as Roger, Sean Fitzpatrick as Collins, Morgan Flannigan as Angel and Roisin Caulfield as Mimi outstanding. The ensemble is expressive, and imaginative use is made of the auditorium as an occasional extension to the performing space. The lighting was impressive, particularly towards the powerful ending.

A short distance away from the Fringe’s centre of gravity, this production is worth seeking out.

Running time: Two hour and 30 minutes (including one interval)
Saint Stephen’s Theatre (Ian McKellen Theatre), 105 St Stephen Street EH3 5AB (Venue 166)
Friday 2 – Sunday 25 August 2024
Daily: 6.35 pm
Details and tickets: Book here

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