Barney’s Beer and Daughter

Barney and his teenage daughter, pictured during Covid. Pic: Peter Dibdin.

Barney’s Beer

When the lockdown was announced on the 23rd March, although it was obvious it was coming it was met with dismay & my head was spinning with what to do for the best. We had already started to feel the effects of the request for people to stay at home, we lost about 80 to 90% of our regular trade which is normally dependent on Summerhall, The Pitt & local bars and restaurants. Staff were mostly furloughed due to financial impact and the close proximity of working in a microbrewery shoehorned into the Summerhall stables.

I was planning to mothball the brewery until things re-opened but we had to brew a beer to fill empty wooden casks to stop them deteriorating unfilled. I enrolled the help of my teenage daughter who volunteered to work by my side, allowable as we are from the same household. y one remaining working staff member got an online shop up and running and my daughter and I brewed two or three beers together to fulfil the demand for bottled and canned beer in the shop. It gave us hope and a modest turnover to help keep us afloat. On the 26th May the order book started to fill a little from supermarket orders and my brewer was able to return to work.

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Barney’s Beer and Daughter

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