
Aug 7 2024 | By More

★★★★☆   Chilling

the Space@Surgeons’ Hall (Venue 53): Mon 5 – Sat 10 Aug 2024
Review by Florence Cruickshanks

We are all familiar with an Edna Gould, the old lady at the heart of Kate Farrell’s monologue, Waiting, produced by Farrell Productions at theSpace@Surgeon’s Hall, for the first week of the Fringe only.

She’s the old lady who talks too much because she is lonely, who remains positive despite the hard life she has had, married for over 40 years to a now deceased selfish boor, and who has now, in her senior years, attained a level of personal happiness she never knew before.

Kate Farrell. Pic Jack Morrison

This sensitively crafted monologue, set in 1997 and beautifully acted by its writer, introduces us to Edna as she is shown into her GP’s waiting room. She accepts the need to wait without complaint – the Edna Goulds of this world do not make a fuss…

The text, reminiscent of an Alan Bennett piece, introduces the characters and situations encountered in the course of a difficult life. Farrell brings revealing detail – Edna’s neglectful daughter for whom she has purchased coffee just in case of a visit – and depth of character as she recalls her evenings spent at home over the years, knitting quietly, so as not to disturb her husband’s TV viewing.


There is poetry in the writing too: the sound of rose petals falling from a vase when her husband died and it is all subtly revealed with the support of Marc Dabic, assistant director, and Stan Calder who is responsible for the effective lighting design on the bare stage.

Based on one of Farrell’s own short stories there was always going to be a sleight of hand here, a misdirection. And it is to Farrell’s credit that she delivers it very well indeed, as the prospect of Edna’s future happiness is revealed and her last card delivered with care and precision.

Running time: 50 minutes (no interval)
the Space@Surgeons’ Hall, Haldane Theatre, Nicolson Street, EH8 9DW (Venue 53)
Monday 5 – Saturday 10 August 2024
Daily: 12.50pm
Tickets and details: Book here.

Website: http://mynameiskatefarrell.com
Facebook: @Kate Farrell

Kate Farrell. Pic: Jack Morrison


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  1. A wonderful play – excellent thought provoking writing and delivery, which struck many a cord with me.
    A play of its time with references back to one bar electric fires, soppingly damp single glazing and Draylon covered suites with cigarette holes in them!
    The timeless component is the story of a woman who wanted to ‘keep things together’ and ‘accepted her lot’ set against the back cloth of a husband who could suck the lifeblood and joy out of any situation … a story which sadly too many of us lucky ones have survived from… a must see !