The Last Forecast

Aug 12 2024 | By More

★★★★★       Outlook: good

Assembly @ Dance Base (venue 22): Sat 3 – Sun 18 Aug 2024
Review by Sophie Good

In The Last Forecast, Bridie Gane and Catherine Wheels present a comically timed and quirky movement piece for children over six, at Assembly @ Dance Base during the first half of the fringe.

On a remote island somewhere in Scotland – Gael, a gecko-like creature (Shanelle Clemenson) appears resplendent in an outfit perfectly coordinated with their retro stylish environment. Everything is perfectly matched and controlled. Until a stranger (Kieran Brown) appears, that is, and inhabits her space with a daily routine that includes washing his bottom and face with a toilet brush – much to the hilarity of the younger (and older) members of the audience.

Bea Bidault and James Southward in a previous performance of The Last Forecast. Pic Sally Jubb.

The piece is almost entirely non-verbal and it takes a few minutes for the young reviewers of our small reviewing team (aged six) to adjust to this, but it’s not long until they are fully into the swing of working out what’s going on without words. The only clues we get are the occasional shipping forecasts from a sporadically working radio which, in amongst it’s absurdist take on those familiar phrases, warns of an impending storm approaching the island.

The story and themes are marched out in steps, leaps, jumps, hiding and seeking. The two characters attempt to co-exist for a while, and eventually learn to dance in harmony. Their relationship with the space and each other is a joy to watch and their warm openness is what keeps the audience engaged.

charming and enjoyable

Designer Alisa Kalyanova and the costume designer Alison Brown have taken the time and care to get the concept to work seamlessly. The patterns and symmetry are charming and enjoyable. The sound design is integral to the story telling and works a treat, co-designed by Bridie Gane and Calum Paterson. The musical choices are toe-tapping and varied, integrating well with the soundscape of island sounds and impending meteorological doom.

Bea Bidault in a previous performance of The Last Forecast. Pic Sally Jubb.

Timed around the main thrust of the school holidays, the piece is aimed at children aged six and over, although grown ups and a few wee ones much younger also seemed to thoroughly enjoy the show. It’s the first time Catherine Wheels have presented a dance piece but they bring their familiar flavour of authentic and high quality theatre for young audiences to this which makes it work so well.

Our young reviewers described it as ‘great’ but more importantly; they came out of the theatre dancing: along the hallway and back into the Grassmarket, emulating the movements of the performers they had just seen.

Which is as good a testament as any that Catherine Wheels are as capable of getting it right when it comes to dance, as much for any of their many hit theatre productions.

Running time: 50 mins (no interval)
Assembly @ Dance Base (Dance Base 1), 14-16 Grassmarket, EH1 2JU (venue 22)
Saturday 3 – Sunday 18 August
Daily (not Mons 5 or 12): 1.15pm.
Tickets and details: Book here

Catherine Wheels Website:
Facebook: @catherinewheelstheatre
Instagram: @catherinewheelstheatre
X: @CWheelsTheatre

Bea Bidault and James Southward in a previous performance of The Last Forecast. Pic Sally Jubb.


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