Aug 6 2024 | By More

★★★★☆   Thought provoking

Assembly Rooms (Venue 20): Sun 4 – Sun 25 Aug 2024 (not 8, 9, 10)
Review by Rebecca Mahar

TERF, written and directed by Joshua Kaplan, blazes into the Fringe to a cacophony of Twitter notification pings, bringing unapologetic social commentary to the stage, 280 characters at a time.

An acronym for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist, TERF, from Edinburgh-based Civil Disobedience and Theatre of the Existential Void, takes aim at Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, whose anti-trans rhetoric has steadily become more virulent over the past several years on social media.

A scene from Terf with X (left) and Laura Kay Bailey as JK Rowling (right). Pic Iain Masteron

Her repeated denial of the lived realities of trans people and her deliberate misgendering of individuals reached a peak of misinformation during the 2024 Olympics.

TERF imagines Harry Potter stars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint meeting with Rowling over a posh dinner in a super-modern, edgy restaurant, to stage an intervention over her anti-trans behaviour.


All these characters are referred to by the names of their real-life counterparts, rather than the convention of using similar but plausibly-deniable names; it is clear that Kaplan is addressing Rowling and her followers directly— as well as those who oppose her. Indeed, Kaplan states on the play’s website: “This play will hurt people. No matter how hard it tries not to hurt people, it will hurt people.”

Jo Rowling is played with sharp, brittle bluntness by Laura Kay Bailey. Most of the play takes place in the present, but there are several flashback scenes to earlier in Rowling’s life and the Potter phenomenon.

Tom Longmiire and Laura Kay Bailey. Pic Iain Masteron

It is in these that Bailey’s skill really shines, as her hard exterior cracks to show glimpses of who Rowling might be behind the defensive bluster and transphobia, and help explain why she behaves the way she does. Despite her dehumanisation of others, Rowling herself is human, and TERF does not deny her own hardships and experiences.

The performances behind the Golden Trio are phenomenal, with Trelawney Keen (Emma), Tom Longmire (Rupert), and Piers Mackenzie (Daniel) embodying the quirky, snappish, sibling-like relationship between the three as they attempt to work together for the common good.


While displaying their individual adult personalities and problems, and their determination not to be associated with TERF ideology, the trio still exude a sense of children cowed by a domineering mother— or, in this case, “Auntie Jo”. Mackenzie also plays several figures from Jo’s past, including her editor, ex-husband, and father, flitting from one character to the next with precision.

X and Laura Kay Bailey as JK Rowling. Pic Iain Masteron

Throughout TERF, a character not defined in the play or on its website appears as a mostly-silent watcher, occasionally setting props, naming the place and date of a scene, or stepping into a hard-edged spotlight to react to a building voiceover of what seems to be an assault. This character is dressed like a one-winged angel, and is noticed only by Rowling during the play, who repeatedly asks them if she knows them.

The performer of this character is not credited on the TERF website, and the character is the one weak link in the show— only because their role is not large or clear enough. What exists is excellent, the performance provocative, but let down by the script, which is otherwise tight and deep.

TERF will not be for everyone, and is designed to be controversial, but may not provoke the protests its creators anticipate. At its heart, it explores humanity and responsibility, and does not excuse, pedestal, or especially vilify any of its characters. Well worth a watch, whether you’re aware of Rowling’s social media exploits or not.

Running time: One hour and twenty minutes (without interval)
The Assembly Rooms (Ballroom), 54 George Street EH2 2LR (Venue 20)
Sun 4 – Sun 25 August 2024
Sun 4 – Wed 14 Aug (not 8, 9, 10): 11:40am
Thurs 15 – Sun 25: 3:35pm.
Tickets and details: Book here.

Website: http://terfplay.com
Instagram: @terfplay
X: @TERFplay

Trelawny Kean and Laura Kay Bailey. Pic: Iain Masteron


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