Summerhall Arts

Palette to take Summerhall lease

Palette to take Summerhall lease

Edinburgh Palette is set to take over the building and tenant management of Summerhall, from the current entity responsible, Summerhall Management, and is negotiating a three year lease with the current owners Oesselmann Estate Limited.

Aug 8 2024 | By | 1 Reply More
New campaign to save Summerhall complex

New campaign to save Summerhall complex

Campaign to retain city-centre home for artists and businesses

A new group, #MadeinSummerhall, has been set up by 110 artists and businesses at under-threat Summerhall, to campaign to retain their city-centre homes, which make up 60% of of the Summerhall complex.

Aug 1 2024 | By | Reply More
Summerhall reprieved as a Fringe venue

Summerhall reprieved as a Fringe venue

Future of whole complex not clear as sale date set.

Summerhall appears to have been reprieved as a Fringe venue for at least three years, as responsibility for running the venue element of the Summerhall complex is taken over by a new charity ahead of its sale going to a closing date of September 18, 2024.

Aug 1 2024 | By | Reply More