Sophie Harris
The Grandmothers Grimm
★★★★☆ Hallowe’en treat
Some Kind of Theatre’s bold feminist drama The Grandmothers Grimm explores the role of women in the creation of the Brothers Grimm’s famous anthology and acknowledges the unknown voices behind the tales.
Phone Fictions online
Visible Fictions host Watch Party:
Glasgow-based theatre company Visible Fictions, whose aim is “to get people thinking, talking, sharing and creating” is premiering the results of a project to create short films on mobile phones.
The Ash Girl
★★★☆☆ Dark tales
Christmas theatre has come early and in the darkest of garb to the Assembly Roxy as the 3rd year MGA acting students give an intriguing account of Timberlake Wertenbaker’s The Ash Girl.
Gobland For The Goblins!
★★★☆☆ Playful:
Billed as a fantasy video game for older children and their families, writer-director James Beagon and Aulos Productions’ latest show sees them switch genres yet again. Gobland For The Goblins! is an interactive show with some very pleasing elements.
Lest We Forget
★★★☆☆ Reflective:
There is a kernel of emotional and poetic truth to Lest We Forget, the latest offering from writer-director James Beagon and Aulos Productions in the Studio at St Augustines. However, its effect is dissipated in a reworking of familiar themes and a setting that fails to do justice to its ambition.
Julius Caesar
★★☆☆☆ Mid-table:
A football-themed Julius Caesar at Augustine United Church pitches Shakespeare against the world of agents, bungs and FIFA, but neither can be said to come out the winner.
Women of the Mourning Fields
★★★★☆ Ambitious history:
History is told by the writers, not the participants. That’s the message at the heart of this fascinating piece from Aulos Productions in which the forgotten women of Rome finally have their say.
A Winter’s Oresteia
★★★☆☆ Bloody tragic:
There’s more bloodletting and familial back stabbing than a whole decade of Eastenders in James Beagon’s crafty updating of the tale of the end of the Trojan wars for Aulos Productions.