Shark in the Park

Shark in the Park

Shark in the Park

★★★★★ Enthusiastic retelling

This enthusiastic adaptation by Simon Beattie of Nick Sharratt’s Shark in the Park books for local company Nonsense Room Productions, calls in at Assembly George Square as part of a UK tour.

Aug 6 2022 | By | Reply More
Shark in the Park

Shark in the Park

★★★☆☆ Colourful:

A great deal of straightforward fun for young and old is to be had from Shark in the Park in the Festival Square Spiegeltent as part of Edinburgh’s Christmas.

Dec 5 2017 | By | Reply More
Shark in the Park

Shark in the Park

★★★☆☆ Lively:
Shark in the Park is a lively show with songs for children.

Aug 18 2016 | By | 2 Replies More