Same Team

Same Team

Same Team

★★★★★ Unmissable!

The combined frenzy of the Fringe and the Paris Olympics couldn’t be a more apt time to stage Same Team at The Traverse Theatre, directed by Bryony Shanahan and written by Robbie Gordon and Jack Nurse with the women of Street Soccer Scotland.

Aug 12 2024 | By | Reply More
Same Team – A Street Soccer Story

Same Team – A Street Soccer Story

★★★★☆ Exhilarating

Same Team – A Street Soccer Story, the Traverse’s December production, may be short on tinsel – but in its thought-provoking and frequently exuberant nature, it is peculiarly apposite for the season.

Dec 13 2023 | By | Reply More
Football play closes Trav 60

Football play closes Trav 60

Same Team – Street Soccer Story to play Traverse in December

The final play of the Traverse’s 60th anniversary season is to be Same Team – Street Soccer Story, by Robbie Gordon and Jack Nurse, created with the women of Street Soccer’s Dundee Change Centre and inspired by the Homeless World Cup.

Sep 14 2023 | By | Reply More