Red Bridge Arts
Edinburgh’s CATS credits
Half noms; majority of wins have Edinburgh credits
This year’s delayed Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland have been announced, with Edinburgh associations for 20 of the 41 nominations and winners in seven of the ten categories.
The Secret Garden
★★★★☆ Blooms with delights:
The Secret Garden, Fife-based Red Bridge Arts has once again given a children’s classic a radical makeover without losing the heart of the original story.
Edinburgh cream of CATS
Eight out of Ten CATS prefer Edinburgh:
Eight out of the ten awards handed out at the Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland have been won by productions made or commissioned in Edinburgh.
It’s Cool for Edinburgh at CATS
Edinburgh companies dominate Critics Awards shortlist:
The shortlist for this year’s Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland have been published and exactly half the nominations are for productions made or co-produced in Edinburgh.
Is This a Dagger? The Story of Macbeth
★★★★☆ Scary and funny:
Is this is a Dagger? is a one-man show by Andy Cannon and is a version of Macbeth. It is at the Storytelling Centre until this weekend. It’s definitely for over-eights, or maybe over-nines.
Edinburgh Dominates CATS
Edinburgh companies win big at CATS:
Half the winners at this year’s Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland are Edinburgh-based productions, with the Lyceum winning three and the Traverse with Red Bridge Arts, two awards.