Oesselmann Estate Limited

Palette to take Summerhall lease

Palette to take Summerhall lease

Edinburgh Palette is set to take over the building and tenant management of Summerhall, from the current entity responsible, Summerhall Management, and is negotiating a three year lease with the current owners Oesselmann Estate Limited.

Aug 8 2024 | By | 1 Reply More
Summerhall management riposte to venue sale

Summerhall management riposte to venue sale

Sale “against wishes” of Summerhall director Robert McDowell.

The announcement by the owners of Summerhall that they have put the building on the market has been met with strong concern across Edinburgh and around the arts world.

May 15 2024 | By | Reply More
Summerhall for sale

Summerhall for sale

Multi-arts venue and tech-hub on the market

The owners of award-winning arts venue Summerhall have put the building, in prime location at the east end of the Meadows, on the open market, “with all the current licences included”.

May 14 2024 | By | Reply More