Lung Ha Theatre Company

Edinburgh On The Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh On The Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh-based professional companies appearing in the fringe:

It’s Edinburgh’s festival, no matter what the nay-saying nutters who comment on the Scotsman’s website might write. More tickets are sold to Edinburgh residents than to anyone else and it would seem that every Edinburgh-based theatre company, whether professional or amateur, has a show on.

Aug 1 2011 | By | 1 Reply More
Cream of Edinburgh’s theatrical talent top CATS nominations

Cream of Edinburgh’s theatrical talent top CATS nominations

By Thom Dibdin Edinburgh’s theatres and production companies have made a strong showing in the shortlist for this year’s Critics Awards for the Theatre in Scotland, picking up 15 of the 40 possible nominations, in 8 of the 10 categories. Leading the field is the Traverse, with six nominations for last Autumn’s The Dark Things, […]

May 14 2010 | By | Reply More
Huxley’s Lab

Huxley’s Lab

★★★★☆ Profoundly relevant

A brave new collaboration has been born at Edinburgh University’s informatics building on Crichton Street. Edinburgh’s Lung Ha’s and Gridiron theatre companies have teamed up to create a piece of work challenging the scientists to think long and hard about what they are doing.

Apr 5 2010 | By | Reply More