Lorraine McCann

Krapp’s Last Tape

Krapp’s Last Tape

★★★★☆  Authentic Krapp:

Wistful and careful, Arkle’s production of Krapp’s Last Tape brings out the humanity in Beckett’s masterpiece. Often seen as a forbidding play, there is nothing remotely inaccessible about this.

Aug 23 2019 | By | Reply More
Review – Boston Marriage

Review – Boston Marriage

A crackling script that spits venom and articulate references with equal force and has a casual regard for accuracy – at least on the part of the characters – shines through Arkle’s somewhat under firing production at St Marks until Saturday.

Apr 24 2013 | By | Reply More
Review – Six Degrees of Separation

Review – Six Degrees of Separation

★★★★☆ Multilayered

Responsible for popularising the idea that every person in the world is just six connections from every other, John Guare’s Six Degrees of Separation is a play about greed and envy; about what happens when those six connections are reduced to just one.

Apr 6 2012 | By | 1 Reply More



Tough and uncompromising but not quite achieving its full potential, the Grad’s production of Margaret Edson’s Pulitzer prize-winner finds great emotional depth but is ultimately undone by purely technical details.

Nov 12 2009 | By | 1 Reply More