Grid Iron



★★★☆☆    Energetic:

A musical about women at the bingo would seem a natural for a warm-hearted, reassuringly couthy comedy. Instead, Bingo! ends up as a much swearier, somewhat darker affair that provides entertainment but is let down by its structure.

Mar 9 2018 | By | Reply More
Shock cuts to theatre companies

Shock cuts to theatre companies

Mixed results in Creative Scotland’s latest funding round:

Edinburgh’s Catherine Wheels and Lung Ha’s theatre companies have had 100% core funding cuts in a day of mixed fortune for the city’s theatre as Creative Scotland announced its latest funding round.

Jan 25 2018 | By | 1 Reply More
VPT goes full-length

VPT goes full-length

Village Pub Theatre to stage full-length immersive production:

Leith’s Village Pub Theatre, the playwright collective specialising in script-in-hand performances of new work, is to stage a full length production The Sunnyside Centre, at the Hibs Supporters Club.

Nov 18 2017 | By | Reply More
Extra Light Boxes Shows

Extra Light Boxes Shows

Matinees added to sell-out run:
As news broke of four extra weekend matinees being added to the sell-out run of Grid Iron’s show Light Boxes, we took the chance to speak to the show’s director, Finn den Hertog.

Aug 16 2015 | By | Reply More
Light Boxes

Light Boxes

✭✭✭✭✩ Love and regret:
Light Boxes is fascinating. Grid Iron Theatre Company has woven a complex web, leaving the audience struggling to interpret what they are seeing.

Aug 16 2015 | By | 2 Replies More
Letters Home

Letters Home

★★★★☆ Power of communication

Letters Home combines inventiveness, variety, sophisticated writing and sheer visual magnetism.

Aug 22 2014 | By | Reply More
Letters Home to live on?

Letters Home to live on?

Further outings possible for Grid Iron sell-out: Anyone unable to find a ticket for Grid Iron and the Book Festival’s Letters Home may be placated by the suggestion that further productions are possible.

Aug 15 2014 | By | Reply More
Review – The Authorised Kate Bane

Review – The Authorised Kate Bane

Guest Review by Irene Brown in the Annals on Ella Hickson’s The Authorised Kate Bane, produced by Grid Iron.

Oct 21 2012 | By | 1 Reply More
Review – Barflies

Review – Barflies

★★★★☆  Genuinely engaging

Having enthralled audiences and critics alike at the Fringe in 2009, Grid Iron’s Barflies, an adaptation of a clutch of Charles Bukowski’s writings, now sets out to prove its worth outside the rarified festival atmosphere.

Feb 9 2012 | By | Reply More
Edinburgh On The Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh On The Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh-based professional companies appearing in the fringe:

It’s Edinburgh’s festival, no matter what the nay-saying nutters who comment on the Scotsman’s website might write. More tickets are sold to Edinburgh residents than to anyone else and it would seem that every Edinburgh-based theatre company, whether professional or amateur, has a show on.

Aug 1 2011 | By | 1 Reply More