C Alto

The Gummy Bears’ Great War

The Gummy Bears’ Great War

★★★★☆  A lot to chew on

The Gummy Bears’ Great War at C alto is the kind of thing you traditionally expect to see at the Fringe; a seemingly crazy idea that actually works convincingly.

Aug 24 2024 | By | Reply More
Antonio’s Revenge

Antonio’s Revenge

★★☆☆☆ Unfathomable

Antonio’s Revenge is a definite oddity, not made any less strange by its staging by Edinburgh/New Zealand company Half Trick Theatre at C alto on even dates of the Fringe only.

Aug 19 2024 | By | Reply More
The Faustus Project

The Faustus Project

★★★★★  Fiendish

Imaginative physicality, wry hi-jinks and a fiendish twist are a winning brew in Half Trick’s The Faustus Project, a romp through Christopher Marlowe’s Elizabethan drama, Doctor Faustus.

Aug 10 2024 | By | Reply More