Shadow Walking

Aug 14 2024 | By More

★★★★☆      Dark tales

Scottish Storytelling Centre (Venue 30): 10-14 August 2024
Review by Marion Geoffray

Shadow Walking returns to the Scottish Storytelling Centre for the Fringe after a first outing last autumn during the Scottish International Storytelling Festival.

Seasoned storytellers Ruth Kirkpatrick and Peter Chand are joined on stage by Jazz double bassist Tom Lyne, to take us on a walk through the dark side of storytelling.

Ruth Kirkpatrick, Peter Chand and Tom Lyne in Shadow Walking. Pic Storytelling Centre.

Asking “how do stories get to be told or not to be told” they warn of the uncomfortable yet important nature of the stories they are about to share. A glow of warm lighting provides a contrasting cosy and intimate setting; while a stage, bare apart from two chairs, ensures that the focus is on the words and the power of our imagination.

Kirkpatrick and Chand skilfully blend their journeys through times, languages and cultures. Each echoing their own heritage and influences, from Naples to India, the Shetlands and North Yorkshire, they share tales of vanity, death, greed, addiction and violence.

subdued and captivating

Vivid, gruesome and graphic at times, their delivery is paced and engaging throughout, punctuated by silences and Lyne’s atmospheric score. Kirkpatrick is expressive and witty, her telling often bringing out laughter. Chand has a more subdued and captivating presence. They complement each other very well with Lyne’s bass tying it all together, smoothly enhancing the worlds they create.

Those are no bedtime fairy tales; their twisted and chilling morality forces you to accept that life rarely is happy ending. Regardless of whether the stories are truth or fiction, they resonate strongly with our modern society and encourage us to reflect on issues of our times with humour and care.

In the blink of an eye, the hour draws to a close, and Kirkpatrick sends us off with a final haunting song that leaves you wanting for more untold, and unspeakable tales!

Running time: One hour (no interval)
Scottish Storytelling Centre (Netherbow Theatre), 43 High Street, EH1 1SR (Venue 30)
Sunday 10 – Wednesday 14 August 2024
Sun: 6.45pm; Mon-Thurs: 8.45pm.
Details and tickets: Book here


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