Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical Junior

Aug 7 2024 | By More

★★★★★     Charming

Edinburgh Academy (Venue 70): Fri 2 – Sat 17 Aug 2024
Review by Sophie Good

Fringe regulars Captivate Theatre bring their sell-out junior version of Matilda to the Edinburgh Academy for the second year, playing there for the first half of the fringe.

This is a truly charming show presented by one of Captivate’s young companies, who’s version of the classic Roald Dahl, using Tim Minchin’s fantastic musical score, is a delight. Energy and commitment abound in the show about the girl with a very unique brain, making it a great show to watch.

The Matildas. Rehearsal image. Pic: Captivate

Stella Ross, one of four actors rotating in the title role, is confident and likeable in this well timed, well choreographed and a vocally accomplished production. Every single child creates a unique and individual character from the opening number Miracle on.

Isabella Wood as Mrs Wormwood, and Jamed Gilbert as Mr Wormwood possess all of the comic timing and silliness required to bring these roles to life as the disdainful and self-interested parents that Matilda doesn’t deserve. Alex Fraser does an amusing monosyllabic turn as Matilda’s older brother. Lucy MacPherson as Miss Honey is the perfect antidote, all kindness and authenticity which MacPherson plays sweetly – but not too sweet.


It is Lawrie Banks as Miss Trunchbull who has really mastered his role as the villain of the tale. Banks has enough comedy to keep the laughter coming, but with the right balance of pantomime villain that prevents him from being too scary for younger audience members.

It is of course the ensemble of young people who steal the show as the chorus and the school children – or “maggots” in Miss Trunchbull calls them.

Matilda Rehearsal image. Pic: Captivate

Each youngster gets a chance to shine. Alex Hardy provides great vocals as Bruce, his completion of his cake eating challenge is a real highlight. Ailsa Ogilvie is a charm as Matilda’s best friend Lavender and Brendan Wang is suitably loveable as Nigel.

Director Mairi Cross has been challenged with running two almost completely different and large casts through an ambitious show which never lets up pace. Edits have brought this down to an hour and a quarter, with no interval, which is about the limit for the children watching as well. It is however slick and professional, perhaps benefiting from it’s second year run.

This is a really charming and likeable show, a satisfying and accomplished piece from this prolific community theatre company.

Running time: One hour and 15 minutes (no interval)
Edinburgh Academy, 42 Henderson Row, EH3 5BL (Venue 70)
Fri 2 – Sat 17 August 2024
Daily (not 5, 7, 9, 11, 14): 10:30am; Second show 14 – 17: 1pm.
Tickets and details: Book here.

Captivate Theatre links

Instagram: @captivatetheatre
Facebook: @captivatetheatre
X: @Captivate_LTD

Matilda Rehearsal image. Pic: Captivate


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  1. Frank Bradley says:

    Outstanding show I enjoyed it very much loads of energy from the whole cast.
    Well worth watching.