Preview and listings Mon 1 – Sun 7 July 2024

Jul 1 2024 | By More

What’s on Edinburgh’s stages this week?

The summer slump of theatre is upon us with just the two shows on offer this week thanks to the loss of the Bonnie & Clyde musical due to poor advance tickes sales.

At the Festival Theatre, Strictly favourites Anton and Giovanni are Together (Sun 7: tickets) and at the Storytelling Centre, Maria MacDonell (Miss Lindsay’s Secret) and Mark Coleman are staging a work-in-progress performance of their show LIFE (Sun 7: tickets) ahead of an appearance at the Fringe.


Festival Theatre
13/29 Nicolson Street EH8 9FT. Phone booking: 0131 529 6000.

Bonnie and Clyde – The Musical
Tue 2 – Sat 6 July 2024
Tour cancelled due to poor advance ticket sales. See Æ News: Bonnie & Clyde musical gunned down.

Anton and Giovanni – Together
Sun 7 July 2024 
Evening: 7.30pm.
With a collection of breathtaking routines, innovative choreography, and a seamless blend of traditional and contemporary dance styles, plus musical theatre, Anton Du Beke and Giovanni Pernice are back with their brand new live tour – TOGETHER!.Book here.

Scottish Storytelling Centre
43-45 High St, EH1 1SR. Phone booking: 0131 556 9579

LIFE  (Work-in-Progress)
Sun 7 July 2024.
Matinee: 3pm.
Estelle models for The Artist. Despite decades of experience, she has never sat for a session like this and with such an outcome, both unexpected and inevitable. Maria MacDonell (Miss Lindsay’s Secret) and Mark Coleman with a work-in-progress performance. Followed by a feedback session to which all are invited. Book here.



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