Lung Ha at 40: Spotlight on… Katherine Gray

Jul 16 2024 | By More

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Lung Ha Theatre Company, All Edinburgh Theatre is delighted to collaborate with the award-winning professional company for actors and theatre makers who are autistic or learning-disabled.

Lung Ha have marked the occasion by commissioning a series of portraits of every member of its 25-strong ensemble from Edinburgh-based photographer Peter Dibdin. Æ will publish the individual portraits over the coming year of celebrations (see our News story: Lung Ha hit 40). We are publishing a new spotlight on a different actor every fortnight.

Lung Ha Actor Katherine Gray, photographed by Peter Dibdin for Lung Ha’s 40th year celebrations.

Spotlight #5: Katherine Gray

Katherine is a relative newcomer to Lung Ha, having joined the Company in May 2023, too late to appear in Castle Lennox. What she enjoys about Lung Ha so far is getting to meet new people and being part of a show with them. Katherine likes the excitement of the build up to a show and being backstage waiting to go on to perform.

Outside Lung Ha her interests include watching sports such as football, rugby and tennis and doing arts and crafts. Katherine also volunteers at an office in Edinburgh.

Lung Ha Actor Katherine Gray, photographed by Peter Dibdin for Lung Ha’s 40th year celebrations.

Katherine Gray Q&A

What do you think is the most fabulous thing about being an actor? Being able to act on stage alongside other people who have disabilities as well as me.

If you could give an aspiring actor one piece of advice, what would it be? If you want to be an actor, I would say go for it! Go and find your local amateur dramatics group and join up. It is great fun and you will make lots of friends.

40 years is a big milestone during which we look back but also look ahead! What are your hopes or ambitions for the future? Being able to do a musical with Lung Ha!

The 40th anniversary photo shoot took place at the Traverse Theatre. Costumes by Karen Tennent; hair and make-up by Catherine Christie.

Browse the rest of the Spotlight on series here.


Lung Ha website:
Lung Ha Facebook: @lunghas
Lung Ha Instagram: @lunghatheatre
Lung Ha X: @lunghastheatre
Lung Ha YouTube: @lunghatheatrecompany3074

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