EdFringe lockdown memories: Day Three

Aug 4 2024 | By More

The #NothingToReviewHere and #SomethingToReview projects

In the eerily fallow Fringe of 2020 and weirdly hybrid event of the following year, The Dibdin Brothers, Thom & Peter, published a daily image from around Edinburgh.

These projects – #NothingToReviewHere and #SomethingToReview – showed the Edinburgh Fringe as it had never been seen before. And in that first year, when everyone had to stay at home, provided a surrogate fringe for its fans to witness from afar. There is an introduction to the projects here: #NothingToReviewHere.

This year, over the course of EdFringe 2024, we are publishing the images and words from the respective days of 2020 and 2021.

EdFringe: Day Three

Edinburgh George Street. Sunday 9 August 2020

Edinburgh. George Street. Sunday 9 August 2020. Pic: Peter Dibdin.

Fallow Edinburgh Fringe year 2020 Day 3: Peter Dibdin and I were there.

No Assembly Festival bars, beer gardens or box theatres. No queues or queue-wranglers.

Taxis paused easily outside the Assembly Rooms, the on-street parking was lush.
Boy racers revved it up along the strip in their over-priced ego-enhancers.
Families dropping in for a Sunday evening meal at one of the restaurants.

#21Venues21Shirts Day 3 #NothingToReviewHere #BrothersGonnaSnapItOut

Edinburgh George Street. Sunday 8 August 2021

Edinburgh. George Street. Sunday 8 August 2021. Pic: Peter Dibdin.

#Hybrid EdFringe Day 3. Day 3: Peter Dibdin and I were there.

A dreich Sunday afternoon
Umbrellas and cagoules, beer tables behind white picket fences. Empty.
Assembly Rooms Edinburgh Closed.
No Assembly Festival on this side of town.
No #EdFringe here.

The Golden Turd looks down on its first Summer Festival
Must wonder what the fuss was about.
A festival is taking place, just not here in the New Town.

#SomethingToReview Day 3 #NothingToReviewHere

Edinburgh. George Street. Sunday 8 August 2021. The Long View. Pic: Peter Dibdin.


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