EdFringe lockdown memories: Day Eight

Aug 10 2024 | By More

The #NothingToReviewHere and #SomethingToReview projects

In the eerily fallow Fringe of 2020 and weirdly hybrid event of the following year, The Dibdin Brothers, Thom & Peter, published a daily image from around Edinburgh.

These projects – #NothingToReviewHere and #SomethingToReview – showed the Edinburgh Fringe as it had never been seen before. And in that first year, when everyone had to stay at home, provided a surrogate fringe for its fans to witness from afar. There is an introduction to the projects here: #NothingToReviewHere.

This year, over the course of EdFringe 2024, we are publishing the images and words from the respective days of 2020 and 2021.

Here’s the two posts from Assembly Roxy, actually published on different days of the Fringe (if you are counting). Day Eight (Friday) in 2020 and Day 5 (Tuesday) in 2021.

I love both these pics. Peter gave me angel wings. In 2020, he caught a hint of movement going on behind me. Look carefully and you can see the moped zipping past, and in dark glasses, head down on a steely grey day, walking their dog.

EdFringe: Days Eight & Five

Edinburgh Roxburgh Place. Friday 14 August 2020

Edinburgh. Roxburgh Place.  Friday 14 August. EdFringe 2020 Day 8.

Fallow EdFringe. Day 8: Peter Dibdin and I were there.

No Assembly Roxy Fringe, no Assembly Festival. No queue-free ticket pickup point. No astroturf. No outdoor living room or random meeting with a friendly PR.

No ART Award winner’s show. No ART Award for 2020.

Somewhere, (not here), Dani Rae is hooping it up in 26 Days of Hula to raise money for Assembly freelancers.

Here (somewhere) there is a dog. A dog walker. Shades on a grey day. A moped.

#21Venues21Shirts Day 8, #NothingToReviewHere, #BrothersGonnaSnapItOut

Edinburgh Roxburgh Place. Tuesday 10 August 2021

Edinburgh. Roxburgh Place. Tuesday 10 August 2021. EdFringe Day 5. Pic Peter Dibdin.

Hybrid EdFringe. Day 5: Peter Dibdin and I were there.

No ticket cabin or astroturf.

Punters find e-tickets on their phones.
Angel-winged FoH check phones with phones.
All heads bowed.

Live theatre is go.
Socially distanced but sold out, 100 seats where 250 could be.

Jack stretches.
Warm on the cobbles.

A taxi rattles by.
Folk rock up late.
The Fringe is close. Can you smell it yet?

Edinburgh. Roxburgh Place. Tuesday 10 August 2021. EdFringe Day 5. The Long View. Pic Peter Dibdin.

And for your pleasure, here’s a couple of out-takes. The first is a lovely closeup of the detail above the Roxy door shot in 2020.

Inscription reads: Lady Glenorchy’s Parish Church / founded anno domini mdcclxxiv / Rebuilt in the year / mcmix. Pic: Peter Dibdin.

And the second is the long-view from 2021, with the Assembly Roxy ushers having a whale of a time throwing shapes behind me once the queue had gone in. Not sure where Jack had gone. He doesn’t do dancing.

Edinburgh. Roxburgh Place. Tuesday 10 August 2021. EdFringe Day 5 .Pic Peter Dibdin.


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