EdFringe 2024!

Jul 3 2024 | By | Reply More

Call out for Edinburgh writers and shows…

This is a big “hello” and a call out to Edinburgh’s theatre community. Do you want to review Edinburgh’s theatre at the Fringe? Are you an Edinburgh-based company at the Fringe that wants listing and reviewing?

This year, the same as every year, All Edinburgh Theatre will be striving to cover all the theatre made in Edinburgh at the Edinburgh Festivals. And that means upwards of 150 shows….

There is a roundup of last year’s coverage, with links to all the shows we listed and all the reviews we wrote at the 2023 summer festivals here: Æ at the 2023 Summer Festivals.

To carry on this coverage in 2024 this we need two things.

The first is a big team of brilliant and compassionate writers who are able to provide both depth and an understanding across the realms of Amateur, Student, Youth, Grassroots and Professional theatre. Which, for our purposes, includes musical theatre. We do cover dance, cabaret and spoken word, but the focus is on theatre.

The second is a great big list of all the different wonderful Edinburgh-based companies who are performing theatre or musical theatre on Edinburgh’s stages and found theatre spaces in August. As above, this is at any level and besides theatre and musical theatre, includes dance, cabaret and spoken word.

We have the bones of both of these; with a core team of reviewers in place and a solid list of shows gleaned from the Fringe Website.

However, we need more. More reviewers and more information. To make sure we really do have every show covered, both by a reviewer and in our listings. Even if we can’t get to review you, we at least aim to list every show.


So. If you would like to to join the reviewing team please get in touch and we will get back to you with further details. You might want to have a look at reviews from last year, too. There are links to the work of each of last year’s team here: Æ at the 2023 Summer Festivals.

Then email alledinburghtheatre@gmail.com with a bit about yourself, any experience or why you would make a great addition to our team. Title the email “Prospective Theatre Reviewer” with your name.

Sadly, our team is completely voluntary, so we are unable to offer any fee for you writing.


If you are in an Edinburgh-based theatre company, at what ever level, please get the person involved with publicity or marketing to email alledinburghtheatre@gmail.com. Title the email: “Edinburgh-based company at EdFringe 2024” and the name of your company/show.

Tell us a bit about the show, and whether you self-identify as an amateur, student/youth, grassroots, or professional company.

The likelihood is that we already have your details, but combing the EdFringe lists is not an exact science! So this helps make sure we don’t miss anyone out. It also helps if we have your press release and contact details, so we can request production shots and check the details of actors names and so forth when the time comes.

If you want to be really helpful, you can add listings into the email in the following format:

Name of Show
Name of Company
Name of Venue
EdFringe Venue number
Start time
Run time
A short – maybe 30 word – blurb about the show.
The link to buy tickets.

Here’s an example, for Necessary Cat’s production of Macbeth, which is at Hill Street this year…

Necessary Cat
Hill Street Theatre (Dunedin Theatre)
Venue 41
2 – 15 Aug
1 hour 30 minutes
The Thane of Glamis had a wife; their vaulting ambition o’erleaps itself and the Thane takes the throne through dastardly means. But blood will have blood, and the tyrant king must murder more to keep the throne.

Thanks a lot and we look forward to hearing from you all!


Thom Dibdin – Editor, All Edinburgh Theatre.


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