Class Act: Ukraine Edition

Apr 2 2024 | By More

Special Ukraine version of Trav’s flagship engagement project

The Traverse has announced a week-long version of its flagship schools engagement project, Class Act, working with young Ukrainians from across Scotland to create plays to be performed script-in-hand on Saturday 13 April 2024.

Class Act: Ukraine in Scotland, being run in association with The University of Edinburgh, will be co-led by playwrights Nicola McCartney and, from Ukraine, Natalya Vorozhbyt, who will be supported by Sara Shaarawi. They will spend five days working-up scripts and developing stories with young participants aged 11-19.

Class Act: Ukraine in Scotland

At the end of the week, a team of professional actors, directors, and musicians will bring their stories to life in two performances at the Traverse, on Saturday 13 April at 2pm and 5pm.

The Traverse say that the project will create a “vital space for open expression, reflection on their experiences as a young person, their present context, and the impact felt from global conflicts.

“Although their writing may not result in direct reflections of global events, the creative writing process will allow participants the chance to reflect freely – and, crucially, together – on their experiences during this unprecedented time.”

Class Act: Ukraine will unite participants based in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Falkirk, Hamilton, Stirling, Motherwell and Peebles.

The project will be directed by Robbie Gordon. The cast on Saturday 13 April will includeMaureen Beattie, Matthew Zajac, Vera Graziadei, Dmitry Everdeen, Michael Dylan, Cindy Awor and Charlotte Driessler.


Class Act: Ukraine in Scotland
Traverse, 10 Cambridge Street, EH1 2ED.
Saturday 13 April 2024
Two shows: 2pm & 5pm.
Tickets and details: Book here.

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