Archive for September 11th, 2024

Rebus: A Game Called Malice

Rebus: A Game Called Malice

★★★☆☆ Satisfying

Rebus: A Game Called Malice at the Festival Theatre as part of a UK tour, is a cleverly constructed – if distinctly old-fashioned – piece of theatre.

Sep 11 2024 | By | 1 Reply More
Listings and Preview: Mon 9 – Sun 15 September 2024

Listings and Preview: Mon 9 – Sun 15 September 2024

What’s on Edinburgh’s stages this week?

The city’s theatre community is still popping the Alka-Seltzer as it resurfaces from EdFringe recovery mode, so not much in the way theatre this week.

Sep 11 2024 | By | Reply More