Archive for August, 2018
Sweet Choreographer sought
Choreographer for Sweet Charity sought:
Edinburgh Music Theatre has put out an open call for a choreographer for its 2019 production of the Fosse smash hit Sweet Charity
Sister Act
★★★★★ Nun better:
Tuneful, wonderfully acted and with the comic momentum of a juggernaut, Forth Children’s Theatre’s Sister Act at the Edinburgh Tabernacle is almost unimaginably entertaining.
Junkies cancelled
Illness forces Andy Gray to quit play:
Andy Gray, panto funnyman and star of Scottish stage and screen, has had to withdraw from fringe show The Junkies for medical reasons.
★★★☆☆ Genial technology:
Promising a mixture of old and new technology and material, Erewhon at Summerhall fails to ignite fully, but remains an engaging and amiable production.
South Bend
★★★★☆ Comic Journey:
South Bend at Gilded Balloon at the Museum is a sharp, bittersweet comedy that is smart enough to know when to be clever and when to be stupid.
Rebus casting
Cathy Tyson joins Rebus cast as Siobhan:
Cathy Tyson and John Stahl are to join Charles Lawson in the first Rebus play, Long Shadows, which is touring to the King’s for a week this October 2018.
The Garden of Delight
★★★☆☆ Scenic:
Making perfect use of one the Fringe’s most idyllic venues, Theatre Alba’s The Garden of Delights is a promenade tale with a strong environmental twist for younger children.